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研 究 紹 介

* 特 許 *

(大賀祥治)特許第6496959号 (2019)
・Method for culturing fungi. PCT/JP2013/06220, WO2013161939A1 (2013)
(Ikeda, J. and Ohga, S.)

(池田順一・大賀祥治)特許第5377804号 (2013)

(永井公好・渡邊博幸・大賀祥治)特願 2011-223632 (2011)    http://yusing.com/agri/
(清水幸子・大賀祥治)特許第4865083 (2011)

(大賀祥治)公開番号 2009-286746 (2009)

(大賀祥治 ・坂井克己 ・芦谷竜矢 ・山本大介 ・立石麗)特許第4062499号 (2008)

(大賀祥治・塚本俊介・西田実)特許願 06048 (2006)

(大賀祥治・望月学・鈍宝宗彦)特開 2005-102659 (2005)

(藤原道弘・江口文陽・大賀祥治・藤野和隆)特願 2004-320271 (2004)

(眞本勝弘 ・小川治雄 ・把田雅彦 ・大賀祥治)特願2001-67661 (2001)

(三輪昌義 ・大賀祥治)公開特許公報, 平5-76242 (1993)

(吉川正吉 ・大賀祥治)公開特許公報, 平1-186802 (1989)

(吉川正吉 ・大賀祥治 ・村田収)公開特許公報, 昭62-272918 (1987)

(大賀祥治)公開特許公報, 昭59-55122 (1984)

* 著 書 *

・世界を駆けたキノコ学者 -44年間の研究回想- 【記念誌】 (編著). アイメディア, 福岡 (2018)

・菌類の辞典(共著). 朝倉書店,東京(2013)

(共著). 講談社,東京(2005)

・キノコ学への誘い(編著), 海青社,大津(2004)

・元気に生きる本(共著). 東洋医学舎,東京(2004)

・きのこ年鑑(共著), プランツワールド,東京(2004)

  「キノコを知ろう ・キノコに学ぼう ・キノコと暮らそう」 (編著),NPOぐんま (2003)

・木材科学講座11 バイオテクノロジー(共著), 海青社,大津(2002)

・生活環境論(共著), 地人書館, 東京(2002)

・きのこ年鑑(共著). プランツワールド,東京(2003)

・キノコを科学する(共著), 地人書館, 東京(2001)

・Future of Mushroom Production and Biotechnology. Food Reviews International, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1997)

* 総説、解説 *

・キノコ万歳. キューピーニュース,546号 (2019)

・キノコ学のおもしろさ. 古賀竟成館高校. 2019年

西日本きのこ交流会. 二日市温泉、大観荘. 2019年6月29日(土)

・世界を駆けたキノコ学者 -44年間の研究回想-.
平成30年度 九州大学最終講義. 2019年3月4日(木) 15:00〜16:30,
九州大学伊都キャンパス ウエスト5号館 232大講義室

・キノコ伝道師の流儀 -44年間の研究回想とこれからへの提案-.
九大演報. 100: 47-62 (2019)

・森林環境科学におけるキノコ学. 九州大学西新プラザ, 2018年11月18日(土) (2018)

・冬虫夏草の生育特性と機能性. 温故知新,53: 83-88 (2016)

生物工学会誌, 93-769-773 (2015)

菌輪,1-5 (2015)

小学二年生,71 (7) 18-21 (2015)

・外陣天井絵解説文. 東圓寺開山500年記念誌 (2015)

出光MOCO 249号 (2014)

・キノコが森林を支える. 岡垣森づくり講座 (2014)

・街路樹腐朽病菌の最近の動向. グリーン・エージ,40 (8): 9-13(2013)

農耕および園芸, 88: 700-704 (2013)

ロータリークラブ卓話 (2013)

・キノコノクニ(15回連載). 時事通信社 (2012)

・キノコの博物誌, 古賀市立歴史博物館 (2012)

・毒キノコ. ソワニエ,9: 62(2011)

. 読売ファミリー,388: 2-12(2011)

・きのこワンダーランド. まほろば,6: 19 (2011)

・毒キノコ. ソワニエ,9: 62 (2011)

九大演報, 92: 1-3 (2011)

, 熊本きのこ会年報, 4-13 (2010)

・冬虫夏草の栽培および生理活性, きのこ研だより,32: 9-16(2009)

・きのこ生産システムにおける電気刺激の適用, バイオインダストリー,23: 33-42(2006)

・キノコが持つ不思議な力, リント,5: 3-4 (2006)

・キノコ学の将来, 木材学会誌,51: 55-57 (2005)

・キノコ業界の今、そしてこれから「キノコ・レピュテーション」, BIO九州,176: 5-13 (2005)

・旬の力「 きのこ」, サロン ド ミュゼアスカ 51-52 (2005)

・キノコの生育と栽培, 九大演報,85: 11-45 (2004)

・担子菌の子実体発生と制御. 木材学会誌,49: 239-246 (2003)

・きのこ培地の熟成度判別の有効性. きのこの新品種と新技術(2回連載). 特産情報,23 (7): 40-42,(8): 40-42 (2002)

・きのこ海外情報 連載 ①-⑨, 韓国のきのこ文化 1-4, 英国HRI留学記 1-3, アメリカのきのこ事情 1, 2. 特産情報,23 (2002)

・きのこの生物工学. APAST-森と木の先端技術情報-, 23: 11-15 (1997)

・シイタケ菌床栽培と菌床の熟成度. キノコの科学, 2: 1-13 (1995)

・シイタケ栽培における生育活性化物質の投与に関する研究. 九大演報, 61: 1-90 (1989)

・広がれキノコ文化(68回連載). 西日本新聞 (1984-85)


Substantial involvement of TRPM7 inhibition in the therapeutic effect of Ophiocordyceps sinensis on pulmonary hypertention.
(Hiraishi, K., Kurahara, L.H., Ohga, S. et., al.) Translation Research, March 07 (2021)


培養中の LED 照射がシイタケ子実体のエルゴチオネイン含有量に及ぼす影響
(彌田涼子・石原弘基・十時しおり・大賀祥治)九州森林研究. 73: (2020)

Biological characteristics and cultivation of the wild edible mushroom Pleurotus dryinus.
(Zhang, W., Bau, T., Ohga, S., Ozaki, Y.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 65: 35-44 (2020)

Nutrietional reqirement for mycelial growth of Ophiocordyceps sinensis on agar media.
(Huang, P., Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 8: 821-829 (2018)

Biological characteristics and cultivation of fruit body of wild edible mushroom Auricularia villosula.
(Zhang, X.Y., Bau, T., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 63: 5-14 (2018)

The effect of the hot water extracts of the Paecilomyces hepiali and Cordyceps militaris
mycelia on the growth of gastrointestinal bacteria.
(Gamage, S., Nakayama, J., Fuyuno, Y., Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 8: 490-505 (2018)

A comparative study of technological impact on mushroom industry in Sri Lanka: A review.
(Gamage, S. and Ohga, S.)
Adv. Microbiol. 8: 665-683 (2018)

Effects of different electric field on mycelial growth of isolated strain of wild Ophiocordyceps sinensis.
(Gamage, S. and Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr.,Kyushu Univ. 63: 223-229 (2018)

Study on the cultivation of Agaricus blazei (almond mushroom) grown on compost mixed with selected agro-residues.
(Win, T.T. and Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 8: 778-789 (2018)

Cultivation of Flammulina velutipes on modified substrate using fermented apple pomace.

(Hiramori, C., Koh, K., Kurata, S., Ueno, Y., Gamage, S., Huang, P., Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 7: 719-728 (2017)

Utilization of ceramic beads for edible mushrooms cultivation.

(Huang, P., Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 7: 853-862 (2017)

Effect of hypobaric and hyperbaric pressures on mycelial growth of isolated strain of wild Ophiocordyceps sinensis.
(Gamage, S., Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 7: 575-587 (2017)

Physiological study of the wild edible mushroom Leucocalocybe mongolica.
(Lu, T., Bau, T., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 62: 1-8 (2017)

Morphological and phylogenetic characterization of Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank (Sarcoptiformes: Acaridae) from Hypsizygus marmoreus in Korea.
(Choi, K.-S., Park, J.-S. Lee, S.-Y., Hwang, D.-U., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 62: 9-13 (2017)

Nested PCR-based assay for diagnosis of circular leaf spot disease-causing Mycospherella nawae and its application.
(Lee, S.-Y., Lim, Y.-S., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 62: 15-21 (2017)

Effect of weather factors on fuel moisture contents of foresland in Chuncheon, South Korea.
(Chae, H.-M., Jeon, B.-R., Lee, S.-Y., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 62: 23-29 (2017)

Different in carbon sink by land use using topographic correction in Seoul, South Korea.
(Kil, S.-H., Lee, D.-K., Park, G.-S., Lee, S.-J., Ohga, S.
)J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 61: 7-15 (2016)

Estimation and change in carbon stock of Robinia pseudoacacia in Seoul, korea.
(Kil, S.-H., Kim, J.-H., Newman, G., Park, G.-S., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 61: 17-21 (2016)

Study on fire identification using combustion pattern analysis of pine trees according to climate change in Korea.

(Park, Y.-J., Lee, S.-Y., Lee, H.-P., Baek, M.-H., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 61: 29-35 (2016)

Performance of Vegetative Growth and Artificial Fruit Body Formation of Hypsizygus marmoreus in Bangladesh.
(Imtiaj, A., Sultana, S., Hossanin, J., Rahman, S.A., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 61: 257-262 (2016)

No reported species, Botrytis aclada causing gray mold neck rot disease on onion bulbs in Korea.
(Hwang,S.-K., Lee, S.-Y., Back, C.-G., Kang, L.-K., Lee, H.-B., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 61: 263-266 (2016)

Analysis of tree-ring chemistry to interpret variations in tree-ring growth of Larix leptolepis and Cryptomeria japonica in relation to atmospheric environmental changes in southern Korea.
(Lee, K.-H., Luong, T.-H., Jang, K.-S., Choi, W.-J., Park, G.-S., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 60: 33-42 (2015).

Analysis of landslide risk area susceptibility using GIS: a case study of injegun, Gangwondo, South Korea.
(Jun, K.-W., Oh, C.-Y., Lee, S.-Y., Park, G.-S., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 60: 43-50 (2015).

Identification and distinction of grapholita molesta Busck and Grapholita dimorpha Komai larvae based on morphological feature of anal pnal prologs.
(Lee, S.-Y., Choi, K.-S., Back, C-G., Choi, K.-H., Kang, I.-K., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 60: 291-295 (2015).

The large scale production of Cerrena unicolor laccase on waste agricultural based media.
(Mazur, I., Rola, B., Stolarczyk, K., Nazaruk, E., Billewicz, R., Rogalski, J., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 60: 297-302 (2015).

Mycelium growth and biological efficiency of Ganoderma lucidum on substrate supplemented with different organic additives.
(Lisiecka, J., Rogalski, J., Sobieralski, K., Siwulski, M., Sokol, S, Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 60: 303-308 (2015).

Fungal contaminant threaten oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. e xFr.) Kummer) cultivation in Bali.
(Suada, I.K., Sudarma, I.M., Kim, B.-S., Cha, J.-S., Ohga, S.) J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 60: 309-313 (2015)

A comparative study on chemical composition and pharmacological effects of Paecilomyces hepiali and wild Ophiocordyceps sinensis.
(Chioza, A., Ohga, S.
) Adv. Microbiol. 4: 839-848 (2014)

Effects of hot-water extract of Paecilomyces hepiali on hypertension parameters in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
(Chioza, A., Ohga, S.) Adv. Microbiol. 4: 436-443 (2014)

Vegetative development of Sparassis crispa in various growth conditions and effect of electric pulse simulation on its fruit body production.
(Farooq, M.U., Chioza, A., Ohga, S.), Adv. Microbiol. 4: 267-274 (2014)

Nutritional and environmental requirements for the morphogenesis of Ophiocordyceps sobolifera.
(Imtiaj. A., Ohga, S.), Microl. Apl. Int. 26:1-8 (2014)

Comparative study of mycelial growth and carpophores yield of Agrocybe aegrerita (Brig.) Sing. On selected agricultural and textile industry wastes as a cultivation substrate. 
(Jasinska, A., Siwulski, M., Sobieralski, K., Majtkowski, W., Rogalski, J., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 59: 5-11 (2014)
Occurrence of cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus (CNRMV) and cherry green ring mottle virus (CGRMV) on sweet cherry. 
(Lee, S.-Y., Yea, M.-C., Back, C.-G., Kang, I.-K., Choi, C., Lee, S.-H., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 59: 1-4 (2014)
A study of trend of Korean forestry ODA allocation. 
(Yoon, J.-Y., Park, G.-S., Lee, S.-J., Lee, S.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 59: 13-18 (2014)
Development of a prediction model of fuel moisture changes in a deciduous forest of Yeongdong region in Korea. 
(Lee, S.-Y., Kwon, C.-G., Ko, D.-W., Park, G.-S., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 59: 19-24 (2014)
Cultivated mushrooms in Malawi: A look at the present situation.
(Chioza, A., Ohga, S.), Adv. Microbiol. 4: 6-11(2014)

Mycelial growth of Paecilomyces hepiali in various agar media and yield of fruit bodies in rice based media.
Chioza, A., Ohga, S.), Adv. Microbiol. 3: 529-536 (2013)

大賀祥治・アーメッド イムティアジ・フェルザナ イスラム 仲凱清水幸子柿野賢一), 九大演報 93: 1-8 (2013)

Molecular characterization of white leaf phytoplasma associated with the graminae in Myanmar.
(Kyu Kyu Win, N., Kim, Y.-H., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S. ), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 58: 225-229 (2013)

Scale up of Cerrena unicolor laccase production.
(Rola, B., Karaskiewicz, M., Majdecka, D., Mazur, I., Bilewicz, R., Rogalski, J., Ohga,S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 58: 231-238 (2013)

A study on the combustion of living leaves of abors for crown fire identification in Korean warm temperate forest zone.
Park, Y.-J., Lee, H.-P., Lee, S.-Y., Park, G.-S., Kil, S.-H., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 58: 5-15 (2013)

Development of a woody fuel moisture prediction model following rainfall events for a deciduous forest in Yeongdong region of Korea.
Lee, S.-Y., Kwon, C.-G., Ko, D.-W., Lee, H.-P., Park, G.-S., Kil, S.-H., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 58: 17-22 (2013)

Effects of media formation on the growth and morphology of ectomycorrhizae and their association with host plant.
(Islam, F., Ohga, S.), ISRN Agronomy. 2013: Article ID 317903, 12 pages (2013)

Effect of electric pulse application on the fruit body production of Tricholoma matsutake-In situ condition.
Islam, F. Islam, A., Ohga, S.), CNU J. Agr. Sci., 40: 1-6 (2013)

The response of fruit body formation on Tricholoma matsutake in situ condition by applying electric pulse stimulator.
Islam, F., Ohga, S.), ISRN Agronomy. 2012: Article ID 462724, 6 pages (2012)

・Effects of Media Formulation on the Growth and Morphology of Ectomycorrhizae and Their Association with Host Plant
(Islam, F., Ohga, S.), ISRN Agronomy, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 317903, 12 pages

・The Response of Fruit Body Formation on Tricholoma matsutake In Situ Condition by Applying Electric Pulse Stimulator
(Islam, F., Ohga, S.), ISRN Agronomy, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 462724, 6 pages

・First occurrence of cobweb disease on Hypsizigus marmoreus caused by Cladobotryum varium in Korea
(Back, C.-G., Lee, C.-Y., Seo, G.-S., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 57: 373-377 (2012)

・Characterization of Coleosporium phellodendri causing rust disease on Japanese prickly-ash tree
(Back, C.-G., Nam, G.-Y., Kyu Kyu Win, N., Lee, S.-Y., Rang, I.-K., Lee, S.-C., Jung, H.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 57: 379-382 (2012)

・AFLP fingerprinting of Tricoderma ressei strains
(Pawlik, A., Deptula, T., Targonski, Z., Rogalski, J., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 57: 1-6 (2012)

・Ability of endophytic fungi isolated from rice to inhibit pyricularia oryzae-Induced rice blast in indonesia
(Suada, K., Suhartini, D.M.W.Y., Sunariasih, N.P.L., Wirawan, I.G.P., Chun, K.W., Cha, J.Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 57: 51-53 (2012)

・Cloning and characterization of a lacease gene from biotechnologically important basidiomycete
Cerrerna unicolor
(Janusz, G., Mazur, A., Checinsks, A., Malek, W., Rogalski, J., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 57: 41-49 (2012)

A glucosylceramide with antimicrobial activity from the edible mushroom
Pleurotus citrinopileatus
Meng, T., Ishikawa, H., Shimizu, K., Ohga, S., Kondo, R.), J. Wood. Sci. 58: 81-86 (2012)

Evaluation of biological activities of extracts from the fruiting body of Pleurotus citrinopileatus for skin cosmetics
(Meng, T., Shimizu, K., Ohga, S., Kondo, R.), J. Wood. Sci. 57: 452-458 (2011)

アラゲキクラゲ(Auricularia polytricha)培地の炭水化物含有量と子実体発生量の相関
大賀祥治・宮本亮平・車 柱栄・徐 健植, 木材学会誌 57: 8-13 (2011)

Sequence variation of Pleurotus species collected from Eastern Asia
(Imtiaj, A., Lee, T.-S., Ohga, S.), Micol. Apl. Int. 23: 1-10 (2011)

Molecular analysis of ITS region and antibacterial activities of Stereum hirsutum
(Imtiaj, A., Lee, T.-S., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 56: 199-204 (2011)

大賀祥治・高野克太・孫 竹),九大演報 92: 4-7 (2011)

Thinned wood of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa for production of Pholiota nameko mushrooms in Japan 
(Cha, J.-Y., Fukui, T., Matsumoto, H., Chun, K.-W., Lee, S.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 55: 
7-10 (2010)
A food factory strictly managed by fungus-growing termites
(Cha, J.-Y., Wirawan, I.G.P., Tamai, Y., Lee, S.-Y., Chun, K.-W., Lee, S.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 55: 11-14 (2010)
Net fine root carbon production in Pinus densiflora, Pinus koraiensis, Larix leptolepis and Quercus acutissima stands, Gongju area, 
Chungnam province, Korea
(Park, G.-S., Kang, G.-N., Lee, S.-J., Lee, H.-G., Lee, S.-Y.,Chae, H.-M., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ.
55: 73-76 (2010)
A new record of a snowbank fungus, Mycena overholtsii, from Japan
(Cha, J.-Y., Lee, S.-Y., Chun, K.-W., Lee, S.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 55: 77-78 (2010)
Exploration on filamentous phenotype of Coprinus comatus collected from different ecological origins 
(Imtiaj, A., Lee, T.-S., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 55: 203-207 (2010)  

Effect of physical factors and synthetic media on mycelia growth of Lyophyllum decastes
(Pokhrel, C.P., Yadav, R.K.P., Ohga, S.), J. Ecobiotechnol. 1: 46-50 (2009)

Decolorization and degradation of daunomycin by Bjerkandera adusta R59 strain 
(Cho, N.-S., Belearz, A., Ginalska, G., Kornillowicz, K., Cho, H.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., KyushuUniv.54: 65-71 (2009)
Directional degradation of lignocellulose by Phlebia radiate 
(Cho, N.-S., Hatakka, A.I., Rogalski, J., Cho, H.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., KyushuUniv.54: 73-80 (2009)
The role of laccase from white rot fungi to stress conditions 
(Cho, N.-S., Wilkolazka, A.J., Staszczak, M., Cho, H.-Y., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ.54: 81-83 (2009)
(楊 柏松・大賀祥治)Food Function 422-27 (2008)

柏松 漢功 天暁      力古 東勲・大賀祥治Food Function 428-38 (2008)

Characteristic for growth and fruit body polysaccharide of caterpillar fungi, Cordyceps sobolifera (Hill.) Berk. et Br.
  (Ohga, S., Yoshimoto, H., Pokhrel, C., Yang, B., Miyazawa, N., Meng, T., Hosoda, S., Mae, M. and Sun Z.),
J. Agr. Sci. Chungnam Nat’l Univ. 35: 199-212 (2008).

Antihypertensive effect of Pleurotus nebrodensis in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
  (Miyazawa, N., Okazaki, M. and Ohga, S.), J. Oleo Sci. 57: 675-681 (2008)

(宮澤紀子,大賀祥治, 木材学会誌 54: 80-85 (2008)

栢松・成 漢功・大賀祥治),
15: 173-176 (2007)

( 栢松・成 漢功・大賀祥治), 日本きのこ学会誌
14: 191-196 (2006)

・ Effect of RNA related compounds on fructification of Tricholoma matsutake.
  (Ohga, S., Yao, F.J., Cho, N.S., Kitamoto, Y., Li, Y.), Mycosystema, 23: 555-562 (2004)

・ Cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii on umbrella plant (Cyperus alternifolius) substrate.
  (Ohga, S., Royse, D.J.), J. Wood Sci., 50: 466-469 (2004)

・Yield, mushroom size and time to production of Pleurotus cornucopiae (oyster mushroom) grown on switch grass substrate spawned and supplemented at various rates.
  (Royse, D.J., Rhodes, T.W., Ohga, S., Sanchez, J.E.), Bioresource Techno., 91: 85-91 (2004)

・ Mycelial growth and fruit body formation of Lyophyllum decastes in livestock compost.
  (Pokhrel, C.P., Yoshimoto, H., Iida, S., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 49: 273-282 (2004)

・ Effect of cutting cycle and spacing on carbon content of willow.
  (Park, G.S., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 49: 13-24 (2004)

・ Utilization of pulsed power to stimulate fructification of edible mushrooms.
  (Ohga, S., Cho, N.S., Li, Y., Royse, D.J.), Mushroom Sci., 16: 343-351 (2004)

・ Effect of water soluble fraction from Japanese larch wood on sawdust cultivation of Lentinula edodes.
  (Cho, N.S., Kim, D.H., Chung, H.C., Lee, S.S., Ohga, S., Leonowicz, A.), J. Wood Sci. Technol., 32: 35-44 (2004)

  (大賀祥治 ・阿部正範 ・眞許勝弘 ・寺下隆夫),日本応用きのこ学会誌,11: 119-122 (2003)

 (阿部正範 ・眞許勝弘 ・飯田 繁 ・大賀祥治),日本応用きのこ学会誌,11: 107-112 (2003)

  (阿部正範 ・飯田 繁 ・大賀祥治),日本応用きのこ学会誌,11: 113-118 (2003)

・ ITS primers with enhanced specificity to detect ectomycorrhizal fungi in the roots of wood plants.
(Kim, D.-H., Chung, H.-C., Ohga, S., Lee, S.-S.), Mycobiology, 31: 23-31 (2003)

・Damage caused by sika deer (Cervus Nippon yesoensis) at a young larch stand in eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan.
(Orihashi, K., Yasui, Y., Kojima, Y., Terazawa, M., Ohga, S., Okano, T.), Eurasian j. For. Res., 6: 111-115 (2003)

・ Changes in phenol oxidases and superoxide dismutase during fruit-body formation of Pleurotus on sawdust culture.
(Cho, N-S., Leonowicz, A., Ohga, S.), Mycoscience, 43: 267-270 (2002)

・Influence of contamination by Penicillium brevicompactum and Trichoderma harzianum during Lentinula edodes spawn run on fruiting in sawdust-based substrates.
(Terashima, Y., Igusa, H., Ohga, S.), Mycoscience, 43: 277-280 (2002)

・The Buller phenomenon in a bipolar basidiomycetous mushroom, Pholiota nameko.
(Nogami, T., Ohga, S., Kitamoto, Y.), Micol. Apl. Int., 14: 11-18 (2002)

 ・ Influence of strage of raw and defatted rice brans as supplements for Lentinula edodes sawdust-based substrate on mycelial growth and fruit body production.
(Terashima, Y., Igusa, H., Ohga, S.), Mushroom Sci. Biotechnol., 10: 229-234 (2002)

・ Comparison of defatted rice bran with raw rice bran as a supplement for Lentinula edodes sawdust-based cultivation.
(Terashima, Y., Igusa, H., Ohga, S.), Mushroom Sci. Biotechnol., 10: 147-154 (2002)

・ マツタケ子実体発生におよぼす核酸関連物質の効果
 (大賀祥治 ・趙 南ソク ・眞許勝弘 ・北本 豊), 九州大学演習林報告,83: 43-52 (2002)

・ シイタケ子実体発生に及ぼす培養温度の影響
 (阿部正範 ・飯田 繁 ・大賀祥治),日本応用きのこ学会誌,10: 129-134 (2002)

・ シイタケ菌床栽培におけるコーンスティープリカーの添加効果
 (阿部正範 ・飯田 繁 ・大賀祥治),日本応用きのこ学会誌,10: 29-34 (2002)

・ エゾシカによるトドマツ人工林の被害 -九州大学北海道演習林の ・齢級及び齢級人工林における被害-
 (折橋 健 ・安井洋介 ・小島康夫 ・寺沢 実 ・大賀祥治),北海道大学演習林報告,59: 45-60 (2002)

・ Transcriptional regulation of laccase and cellulase genes during growth and fruiting of Lentinula edodes on supplemented sawdust.
(Ohga, S., Royse, D.J.), FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 201: 111-115 (2001)

・ Transformation of chlorophenols by white-rot fungi and their laccase.
(Cho, N-S., Ohga, S., Leonowicz, A.), Holzforschng, 55: 579-584 (2001)

・ Immobilization of fungal laccase on keratin-coated soil and glass matrices.
(Ginalska, G., Ohga, S., Leonowicz, A.), Mokchae Konghak, 29: 112-122 (2001)

・ Several genes expression on fructification of Lentinula edodes.
(Lee, S-S., Ohga, S.), J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 46: 47-59 (2001)

・ Effect of electric impulse on fruit body production of Lentinula edodes in the sawdust-based substrate.
(Ohga, S., Iida, S., Koo, C-D., Cho, N-S.), Mushroom Sci. Biotechnol., 9: 7-12 (2001)

・ Effect of electric impulse on sporocarp formation of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata in Japanese red pine plantation.
(Ohga, S., Iida, S.), J. For. Res., 6: 37-41 (2001)

・ Metabolic function of glycogen phosphorylase and trehalose phosphorylase in fruit-body formation of Flammulina velutipes.
(Kitamoto, Y., Kobayashi, A., Mori, N., Ohga, S.), Mycoscience, 42: 143-147 (2001)

・ Influence of wood species on the sawdust-based cultivation of Pleurotus abalonus and Pleurotus eryngii.
(Ohga, S.), J. Wood Sci., 46: 175-179 (2000)

・ Efficiency of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes on Japanese larch seedlings assessed by ergosterol assay.
(Ohga, S., Wood, D.A.), Mycologia, 92: 394-398 (2000)

・ Transcriptional regulation of laccase and cellulase in relation to fruit body formation in the mycelium of Lentinula edodes on a sawdust-based substrate.
(Ohga, S., Cho, N.-S., Thurston, C.F., Wood, D.A.), Mycoscience, 41: 149-153 (2000)

・ Culture maturity of Lentinula edodes on sawdust-based substrate in relation to fruiting potential.
(Ohga, S., Min, D.-S, Koo, C.-D., Choi, T-H., Leonowicz, A., Cho, N.-S., ), Mokchae Konghak, 28: 55-64 (2000)

・Activation of intracellular and extracellular phenol oxidases in photoinduced fruit-body formation of Favolus arcularius.
(Kitamoto, Y., Matsui, T., Ohga, S., Mori, N.), Mycoscience, 41: 641-644 (2000)

・Polyol metabolism in the mycelium and fruit-bodies during development of Flammulina velutipes.
(Kitamoto, Y., Kikuchi, A., Mori, N., Ohga, S.), Mycoscience. 41: 461-465 (2000)

・ Demethoxylation of milled wood lignin and lignin related compounds by laccase from white-rot fungus, Cerrena unicolor.
(Leonowicz, A., Ohga, S., Cho, N-S.), Mokchae Konghak, 28: 29-40 (2000)

* 国際プロシーディング(2000年以降)*

Influence of electric pulse power for agricultural products cultivation: forest environment control.
(Ohga, S) International Symposium on Proactive Technologies for Enhancement of Integrated Pese Management on Key Crops. Taichung, Taiwan (2018).

・ Growth and artificial cultivation of Ophiocordyceps sinensis.
(Ohga, S) International Coference on Economic Fungi and Engineering Science Forum of Chinese Academy of Engineering on Economic Fungi. Longquan, Zhejiang, China (2016).

Influence of moisture and peptone contents on mycelial growth of Ophiocordyceps sinensis in soybean based medium.
(Yao, X., Ohga, S) The 7thChina-Japan-Korea Graduate Student Forum, Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia. Beijing, China (2014).

Cultural characteristics of mycelial growth in the medicinal mushroom, Inonotus obliquus.
(Tara, Y., Ohga, S.) International Symposium on Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Life Sciences in Asia, 2014 (11th International Symposium among Japan, Korea and China). Chuncheon, Korea (2014).

Effect of various growth conditions on mycelial growth of Ophiocordyceps sinensis in solid culture.
(Wang, Z., Ohga, S.) International Symposium on Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Life Sciences in Asia, 2014 (11th International Symposium among Japan, Korea and China). Chuncheon, Korea (2014).

Different factors as effected on mycelial growth and fruit body formation of Sparassis crispa with electric pulse stimulation.
(Farooq, M.U., Ohga, S.). The 6
th Korea-China-Japan Graduate Student Forum. Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia. Daejeon, Korea (2013)

Status of mushroom cultivation in Malawi.
(Chioza, A., Ohga, S.). International Symposium on Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Life Sciences in Asia, 2013 (10th International Symposium among Japan, Korea and China). Miyazaki, Japan (2013)

Application of electric pulsed power on fruit body Production of edible and medicinal mushrooms.
(Ohga, S.). The 9th International AFAS Joint Symposium between Korea and Japan. Current Status and Perspectives of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Sciences in 2012. Daejeon, Korea (2012)

Effect of electric pulsed power for fructification on various edible and medicinal mushrooms
(Ohga, S.), The 4th International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology. Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia (2012)

・ Detection of cicada parasitic fungus (Isaria sinclairii) in the forest soil
(Imtiaj, A., Hosoda, S., Takano, K., Sun, Z. Ohga, S.), The International Journal of Arts and Sciences. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (2011)

・ Characteristic for Growth and Fruit Body Polysaccharide of Caterpillar Fungi, Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.
(Ohga, S.), The 3rd International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology. Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia (2011)

Culture conditions for mycelial growth and polysaccharides production by caterpillar fungi, Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.
(Ohga, S.), The First International Symposium of China-Japan-Korea Sister University on the Recent Advances in Forest and Forest Products.
Chuncheon, Korea (2010)

・ Effect of electric pulsed treatment on cultivation system of caterpillar fungus, Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc., a means of promoting mannitol production
(Ohga, S.), The 7th International AFAS Joint Symposium between Korea and Japan. Current Status and Perspectives of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Sciences in 2010. Chuncheon, Korea (2010)

Effect of incubation time and substrate carbohydrates on fruit body production of mushroom, Auricularia polytricha
(Mae, M, Ohga, S.), The 6th International Joint Symposium between Japan and Kores. The Recent Status and Perspectives of Food System, Agricultural Environment and Biology in 2009. Fukouka, Japan (2009)

・ Characteristic for growth and fruit body polysaccharide on caterpillar fungi, Cordyceps sobolifera (Hill.) Berk. et Br.  
(Ohga, S., Yoshimoto, H., Pokhrel, C., Yang, B., Miyazawa, N., Meng, T., Hosoda, S., Mae, M., Sun Z.
), The Recent Status and Perspectives of Food System, Agricultural Environment and Biology. Daejeon, Korea (2008).

・ Characteristic of insect mushroom, Cordyceps sobolifera on various substrates.
(Ohga, S.)Biotechnology for Venture Industry. Chunchon, Korea (2006).

Present status and future prospects of mushroom cultivation in Japan.
(Ohga, S.) The International Symposium on Mushroom Science. Akita, Japan (2006).

Synthetic cultivation of various Isaria and Cordyceps on different kind polyurethane foam.
(Ohga, S., Pokhrel, C., Yang, B., Sumikawa, S., Kuramitsu, S., Tanaka, Y., Taniguchi, T.)  The Recent Status and Perspectives of Agricultural Environment and Biotechnology , Fukuoka(2005).

Cultivation of insect mushrooms on polyurethane foam.
(Ohga, S.), International Joint symposium between Korea and Japan. The Recent Status and Perspectives of Agricultural Environment and Biotechnology, Daejeon, Korea (2004)

・ Cultivation of insect mushrooms on polyurethane foam prepared from liquefied sugi bark.
(Ohga, S., Ashitani, T.), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on New Horizon of Bioscience in Forest Products Field, Cheongju, Korea (2004)

・ Cultivation of insect mushrooms on polyurethane foam prepared from liquefied sugi bark.
(Ohga, S., Ashitani, T.), Conference of the 3rd East Asia Collaboration on Edible Fungi, Suwon, Korea (2004)

・ Utilization of pulsed power on fructification of edible mushrooms.
(Ohga, S., Cho, N.-S., Lee, Y., Royse, D.J.), 16th International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Miami, USA (2004)

・ Effect of pulsed power on fruiting of edible mushrooms.
(Ohga, S.), Thailand-Japan Symposium on Macrofungi, Kasetsart, Thailand (2003)

・ Effect of electric impulse on fruit body production of edible mushrooms.
(Ohga, S., Abe, M., Yoshimoto, H., Oshikawa, T., Yamamoto, D., Ashitani, T.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Horizon of Bioscience in Forest Products Field, Cheongju, Korea (2003)

・ Effect of RNA related compounds compounds for fructification of Tricholoma matsutake.
(Ohga, S.), The International Joint Seminar, The Future of Agriculture Science in Japan and Korea, Fukuoka (2002)

・ Utilization of water super absorbent for cultivation of Lentinula edodes.
(Ohga, S., Cho, N.-S., Royse, D.J.), The Second Meeting of Far East Asia for Collaboration on Edible Fungi Research, Tottori (2002)

・ Effect of nucleic acid related compounds for fructification of Tricholoma matsutake.
(Ohga, S.), Second International Workshop on Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms, Christchurch, New Zealand (2001)

・ Overview of specialty mushroom production in Japan.
(Ohga, S.), 11th Specialty Mushroom Workshop, Pennsylvania, USA (2001)

・ Utilization of RNA for fruiting of Tricholoma matsutake.
(Ohga, S., Kim, J.-S., Koo, C.-D., Cho, N.-S.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Horizon of Bioscience in Forest Products Field, Cheongju, Korea (2001)

・ Effect of electric impulse on fruit body production in the sawdust-based substrate of Lentinula edodes. 
(Ohga, S., Iida, S., Koo, C.-D., Cho, N.-S.), The First Meeting of Far East Asia for Collaboration on Edible Fungi research, Shanghai (2000)

・ Effect of electric impulse on sporocarp formation of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria laccata in Japanese red pine plantation.
(Ohga, S.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Horizon of Bioscience in Forest Products Field, Cheongju, Korea (2000)